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Job Hunting: Dos and Don’ts

Hello, beautiful soul! It’s already graduation season and I want to congratulate all who just finished senior high school and further studies. Job hunting could be a little overwhelming, even for those who were and are currently employed who aim for greener pastures. Listed below are the basics of job hunting. But before anything else, never ever forget the golden rule: always bring your pen!


  1. Dress appropriately

First impression lasts, they say. It actually is most of the time. It’s an important factor to consider when you’re on a job hunt. The way you dress reflects how serious you are in your quest to land a job. Whether it be from simply inquiring, passing requirements or attending interviews. Choose blouses and shirts with collars. You may opt to wear ¾ sleeves or long sleeves. Avoid using bright and open shoes or sandals and use shoes with 1 to 2 inches heels for women while ½ to 1 inch for men. Also, veer away from using denim as this leans towards ruggedness and street style, as well as overwhelming jewelries.

  1. Research

Job hunting requires a lot of time, effort and patience. Job won’t come looking for you, but it’s the other way around. It’s important to know how to get data for job vacancies. For one, you can visit the sites of companies that you have your eye on. They mostly have a page of careers available on the top or bottom part of their sites. You can also personally visit their office and look for their job postings on their bulletin boards or go straight to their HR office. For job vacancies of government agencies, you can go visit the Civil Service Commission Field Offices. In addition to that, you can create an account on various online job sites like PhilJobNet and Jobstreet.

  1. Rehearse your answers

Better be prepared than not! Ahead of time, rehearse your answers to possibly asked questions. Even if you’re just submitting your pertinent papers, it would be a shame and a symbol that you’re unconditioned if you can’t answer well. That in itself allows the company and its employees to question if your intent is even serious or not. Some of the frequently asked questions are the following:

“Tell us something about yourself.”

It’s very easy to just babble about yourself – your favorite dish, pet peeves and motto in life. But remember that this is nowhere near and unlikely your scrapbook which you enjoyed filling up in your younger years. Take this opportunity to briefly introduce your name and which company you came from or university/college you went. Talk about one trait that you have and why it is important for the job you’re applying for.

“Tell us something about your most unforgettable experience.”

It’s actually a tricky question but this actually entails series of underlying questions. Start to identify a challenge you encountered. Don’t just stop there but follow up with how you addressed the situation, the lessons that you learned from it, and how it could be prevented.

  1. Stay positive

Job hunting is a tedious work. You’ll probably receive rejects more often than you’ve thought in your existence. This is not the time to lose hope. Keep on trying and don’t lose your smile. You’ll land a job. Just continue to do your thing.

  1. Prepare your resume

Keep your resume as concise as possible. One of the most important factors to consider when making a resume is its length. Companies don’t want a lengthy resume. They want to know the facts as fast as they could upon looking at your resume. Make it look simple but professional. There are themes available online and on the Microsoft Word upon opening it. Include your work experience, educational background, recent seminars attended and participated, recent accomplishments, eligibility, and character references. Don’t forget to include your contact number and e-mail address.


  1. Come unprepared

Take note of the company you’re applying for – its vision, mission and goals. It would be a great advantage to have, at least, these basic data so you have a background as basis of your application. You can also alter your application letter and resume, if you want to include your skills, and suit it based on the company you’re applying for. Also, look for the job description of the position you’re applying and review it. The things I’ve mentioned will also serve as a big help in answering questions on your interview proper.

  1. Bring only one copy of your documents

Some companies ask for more than one copy of your documents. Remember to always bring extra copies of your documents. The last thing that you would want to look for is a computer shop and photocopying services. It’s better to focus on your application process so better ready and have on hand copies of your resume, application letter, personal data sheet and certificates.

  1. Be afraid to follow up

This is one of the well-known mistakes that job-seekers usually do. Job hunting is not a one-way process. Yes, it is the job of the company’s HR you applied for to update you of your application process. However, waiting doesn’t mean that you’ll just sit and relax. It is also your job to ask for updates of your application process. Thus, it is important to take note of the person you’ve submitted your papers to and their contact number. Don’t be anxious to follow up; just don’t do it often like every day.

  1. Submit to only one company

It’s a normal thing to have a dream company where you see yourself as a member of. However, realistically speaking, not everything that we want in life could be achieved or meant to happen. It is advised to apply to other companies aside from your dream company. It’s nice to have contingency plans if in case you were not qualified or accepted.

  1. Ask for the salary

I’m not saying that this matter is not a good thing to ask. However, when it comes to salary, you have to consider the timing. If you ask about the salary details upon your first visit, submission and application process, it brings a negative connotation to the company you’re applying for. Ask for the salary on your final interview wherein the contract and its content is laid and discussed.

There you have it! I wish you nothing but luck and positivity all your way on your quest to land a job. Thank you for taking your time to read my blog. Always remember to smile!

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