skipped on our wedding
Lifestyle,  Our Wedding

Good Thing These are Skipped on our Wedding

As head planners of our wedding, my now-husband and I dealt with both our negotiables and non-negotiables. We discussed the ambiance we wanted, our focus, and what we wanted highlight on. These led us to our list of what we skipped on our wedding. We believe that by not doing these, our wedding was genuine, intentional, meaningful, and more us.

P.S. These are subjective and are based on our thoughts and opinions.

Bridal Robe as my Prep Dress

I prioritized comfort during my prep time. Aside from that, I wanted to be carefree. I really think bridal robes are not my style. It was over the top for me and it feels staged. Also, I don’t understand the need or hype for it. So, I opted for a more practical choice – a loungewear coord that I’d for sure wear countless times.

Grand Entrance

My husband and I didn’t want too much spotlight on us. We just entered freely with no fancy introductions during our reception. There was no need for elaborate announcements or grand entrances. We walked hand-in-hand as our favorite song, Collide, played. We were smiling at our closest friends and family who had gathered and, without much ado, we went straight to the dance floor. Everything felt genuine, more us. It was perfect and we’re happy this is skipped on our wedding.

    Announced Cake Cutting and Wine Toasting

    These are the two wedding traditions we wanted to do but we didn’t want it to feel or look scripted. We did it right after our first dance, quickly but intimately. I think we were able to sustain the energy of our wedding day, and that it didn’t get lost in a see of formalities. We wanted our guests to be part of a continuous celebration rather than pausing the festivities for a drawn-out ritual.

    Programmed Reception

      We envisioned our reception to have a laughter-filled atmosphere, our guests having a good time, and enjoying the music and the food. So, that’s what we went for. After our first dance, cake cutting and wine toasting, we immediately proceeded to dinner. We didn’t want our guests waiting too long before dinner. Really, it’s just a dine, drink and dance type of night!

      bride-to-be in wedding dress

      Dress #2 for Reception

      Another thing we skipped on our wedding the dress change because I wanted to feel more present and connected to my husband and to our guests. I wanted also to have less time spent away from the celebration for touch-ups and adjustments. It made the day feel very natural and at ease. Aside from that, I adore my wedding dress so much – I just had to wear it all night long!

      First Dance with Parents 

      This one is just too emotional for us to do. Part of me also don’t get the need to do it at that moment. If I were to do it, I’d do it intimately without the fancy lights and too much staring eyes. This saved us from the drama, too! Again, it’s another win for our vibes.

      Money Dance

      We skipped this tradition because it’s one of our pet peeves. We don’t want also to pressure people to give us any gifts, as their presence is already a treasure in itself. Our principle is, they’ll give because they meant to, not because they think they have to or because other people are doing so. All the more that we were able to experience what was important that night – everyone happy, full, enjoying and taking their time. It’s the type of love we want people to feel that night.

      Same Day Edit (SDE)

      Our reception venue’s greenery needs minimal effort because it’s a beauty in itself. Projector screens are also one of our pet peeves and I think it makes the vibe less genuine. Also, in my opinion, it’s going to downgrade the natural beauty of our garden reception. So, we skipped the SDEs and slideshows of our baby photos and dating photos. I’m personally happy we skipped it because we wanted to lowkey tell that this wedding is far from a production.

      Kids in Guest List

      We included in our wedding rules that kids, except those that are family members, are not invited for our wedding. Not that we don’t love our friends’ kids – don’t get us wrong! It’s just that we didn’t want to deal much of kids running around, and sudden outbursts and tantrums. No regrets!

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